SCIA.TMC accepts contributions mainly in Romanian, but also in international languages which use the Latin alphabet. Punctuation systems, capitalization, etc. should follow conventions commonly used in the language of submission. For submissions in English, both American and British spelling are accepted so long as spelling is consistent throughout the text.

A short profile of the author – maximum 50 words – is required for all articles. This should include title, current position, institutional affiliation, areas of expertise, a short selection of publications. Please provide your profile in English or in French; type it on the 'cover' page of the manuscript, along with your contact information (postal address, telephone number and e-mail address).   


The length required for articles to be published in the main section of the journal is 6-12,000 words. However SCIA.TMC accepts occasionally longer papers (up to 40,000 words); in these cases, authors may be asked to draft their work so as to allow publication in two or three consecutive issues of the journal. Papers to be included in the Notes section should be no longer than 5,000 words, while reviews should not exceed 3,000 words.  

Prepare your text as a MS Word file and save it in doc format. Manuscripts must be formatted for A4 size paper, single-spaced. Please indent the first line of each paragraph using Word format options (Format → Paragraph → Special → First line). Do not indent paragraphs by pressing TAB or by typing multiple spaces. 

Articles should be accompanied by:

  •  an abstract of maximum 250 words for articles published in the main section of the journal (mandatory), and of maximum 100 words for articles in the Notes section (optional); 
  • 4-10 keywords separated by commas; please avoid repeating words in the title. 

Abstracts must be written in an international language, and keywords – in English.  

If you feel that your article should be divided into sections, please use a single level of section headings. Do not number headings; put them in bold face type, centered (minimal capitalization). 

Prescribed font is Times New Roman; size should be 12 pt for main text and 11 pt for abstract, keywords, endnotes and captions.  


Bibliographical references and explanatory notes should be inserted as footnotes, numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals. Footnotes must be produced by means of Word processor’s automatic function (Insert → Reference → Footnote).

When citing a source for the first time, give the complete bibliographical reference: author’s name, title of book or literary work in italics, volume number for a multi-volume book, publisher (for old editions and for books published by The Publishing House of the Romanian Academy and optional for others), place of publication, year of publication, page number – all separated by commas. For subsequent citations of an author / a source, use the Latin abbreviations (ibid., id., loc. cit., op. cit.) whenever appropriate.

Two or more writings by the same author must be distinguished by using the first words of the title, followed by three dots (as exemplified in notes 3, 6 and 10 below).

Complete names of each author/editor are to be cited; do not replace author/editor’s first name with an initial, unless it appears as such in the title of the cited work. End citation with a full stop.


1. André Villiers, La psychologie de l’art dramatique, Paris, 1951, p. 16.
2. Loc. cit.
3. George Banu, Le théâtre, sorties de secours, Paris, 1984.
4. Ibid., p. 63.
5. André Villiers, op. cit., p. 46.
6. George Banu, Peter Brook. Spre teatrul formelor simple, Iaşi, 2005, p. 177-178.
7. Id., L'Acteur qui ne revient pas. Journées de théâtre au Japon, Ed. Gallimard, Paris, 1993, p. 54.
8. All My Sons, in: Arthur Miller, Collected Plays. 1944-1961 (ed.: Tony Kushner), New York, 2006.
9. George Banu, Peter Brook..., p. 34-35.

If you cite articles, studies or papers published in an edited book, please use the following format:

1. Ozana Alexandrescu, The Music of Byzantine Tradition from the 16-19th Centuries in the Romanian Provinces, in Die Kirchenmusik in Südosteuropa (ed.: Franz Metz), Tutzing, 2003.
2. Francesca Trivellato, Microstoria, storia del mondo e storia globale, in Microstoria: A vent’anni da L’eredità immateriale; Saggi in onore di Giovanni Levi (ed. Paola Lanaro), Milano, 2010, p. 121.

References to periodical articles must include author’s name, article and publication title in italics, volume/tome number (if any), issue number, publication date, page number. Mentioning page number is optional when you cite articles published in a newspaper.

1. Alexei Yaropolov, Znamenny scale – fait accompli?, Studii şi Cercetări de Istoria Artei. Teatru, Muzică, Cinematografie, Serie nouă, Tome 4 (48), 2010, p. 28.
2. Gheorghe Firca, Muzica bănăţeană de tradiţie bizantină, Acta Musicae Byzantinae, Vol. II, nr. 1, aprilie 2000, p. 60.
3. Lucian Blaga, Salomeea, Patria, IV, nr. 281, 27 decembrie 1922.

Authors are responsible for obtaining permissions on any illustrated material in which they do not hold copyright. Illustrations must be submitted as separate files in formats such as PNG or high-quality JPEG.

Name these files according to the order of images in the text: Fig. 1, Fig. 2, etc. or Ex. no. 1, Ex. no. 2 for musical scores.

As not all images will be printed in colour, make sure that the illustrations preserve their accuracy when converted to grayscale.

Provide captions for all illustrated material. Captions must contain information that is relevant in context. Use a full stop at the end of the caption.

Mark in your text the approximate location where an image should be placed by typing its caption in a new paragraph (aligned center).


Fig. 1 – Une nuit orageuse de I.L.Caragiale, Théâtre Bulandra, 2002, mise en scène: Teodora Câmpineanu.

Fig. 2 – Franz Liszt in 1858 (photograph by Franz Hanfstaengl). 

Copyright © G. Oprescu Institute of Art History, 2010